Photos Page 3 - February 2006 Symposium


Liz Salmon illustrating a point with Ibn Muhandis and owner Beate Wallawach 



Abbas Ibn Lothar with Bruce Johnson



Ibn Muhandis and Joey Wallawach



Malika ofthe Nile with Randy Sandidge



Amaya Bint Nahzia and owner Traci Fuller



Malika ofthe Nile - 8 year-old Babson/Halima/Tuhotmos mare



SRF  Shezadamoniet and Wes



Abbas Ibn Lothar - 9 year old Straight Babson stallion





Dr Shelle's presentation on Sunday - where what we have learned the previous day is all put together to be applied in a breeding program.


Symposium Photos  1  2  3

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The Institute for the Desert Arabian Horse is committed to the global preservation of the Desert Arabian horse. We aim to identify the worldwide population, demonstrate publicly their athleticism and versatility, provide models of sound breeding practices, and conduct historical and scientific research.

The Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity. For more information, visit or email