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Bint Al Bahr Arabians
Preservation Breeders of
Straight Babson Egyptians |

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daughters were equally prized as show mares and excellent broodmares. The mare
Shar Sabbah (x Gammousa) produced the multi-champion stallion Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/,
awarded the IAHA Legion of Supreme Honor and winner of 18 Regional
Championships, Reserve Championships and US National Top Ten awards in the
Dressage and Purebred Regular Working Hunter divisions. Three other Negem
daughters were exported to Germany, Shar
Zarqa (x Shar
Turfa); Shar Duda
(x Shar Hiba); and Shar Gemara (x Faziza). All
were considered excellent producers.
Fa-Serr son, Ibn Fa-Serr was the senior sire at the Babson Farm until his death
in 1986. Out of Fa Deene, full sister to Fa-Serr, he is inbred to both *Fadl and
*Bint Serra I. The majority of Ibn Fa-Serr's get are out of Babson mares and
have carried on the Babson type. |
Deene (*Fadl X *Bint Serra) |
The few Ibn Fa-Serr offspring that were shown
include the brilliant Roufah, l974 Canadian and l976 U.S. Top Ten mare and dam
of Canadian Top Ten stallion Na Ibn Moniet. Ahroufa (Ibn Fa-Serr x Bah Roufa)
was a full sister to Roufa and a successful halter champion and broodmare,
producing the popular European sire Mohafez. The cross between Ibn Fa-Serr and
Bah Roufa was an incredible nick. |
- Johnny Johnston photo |
Ibn Fa-Serr's most successful son in performance disciplines was the stallion
Serr Maariner (x Maarena), three-time US National Dressage Champion and USDF
"Horse of the Year" among all breeds at the international level. Serr
Maariner sired LA Baltic Maariner out
of a warmblood mare. The gelding earned multiple US National Championships in
upper level Dressage and is currently in training with Alice Martin in
New Berlin

Serr Maariner Lavade in Long Lines |
Fa-Serr sons produced both racing and endurance winners. For example, Fa Maar (x
El Maar) sired Kingdoms El Rabi, winner of the 1976 IAHA one and a half-mile
National Champion Race and a 1976 U.S. Top Ten Competitive Trail horse. Fa-Serr's
very first foal, Faaris (x *Maaroufa), sired the Al Khamsa stallion El Beshir (x
Sirulla), winner of the first approved Arabian race for purebreds in
The Faaris son Zaaris (x Zarieha)
sired Bint Zaaris, an Australian
Reserve Champion mare. The Faaris daughter Faar
Ra (x Razima of Crabbet breeding)
was 1966 U.S.
Top Ten mare and 1967
National Champion Park Horse.
Faaris also sired Faarad (x Fadba), who was for many years the principal source
of Babson breeding in Richard Pritzlaff's Egyptian Arabian breeding program.
of Fa-Serr's most successful sons at the national level was Roufas (x Aaroufa),
whose wins included a U.S. National Reserve Championship in English Pleasure and
U.S. Top Ten awards in Park, Formal Driving, Pleasure Driving and English
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Roufas - 1988
Diana Johnson Photo |

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