Bint Al Bahr Arabians

Preservation Breeders of Straight Babson Egyptians


Bint al Bahr's Bloody Shoulder Mare    

May 9, 1974 - January 19, 2007


      Holly was born in 1974 on the historic Jackpot Ranch in Wyoming.  We bought Holly from Nellie Jackson of Jackson's Arabian Nursery in Valley Center California.  

Nellie and her husband Roy were among the pioneer breeders of Arabians.  They blended the lines of Babson, Kellogg, Davenport and other important early lines.  They were the breeders of  the first Scottsdale Champion Stallion, Tisaan (Disaan x Gran Twenti).

Holly is a bloody shoulder mare.  Holly was one of the inspirations for the Breyer Model "Freedom, the Legend of the Bloody Shoulder Arabian."  Her unique rusty markings on her shoulder, neck and jaw intrigued Breyer artist Kathleen Moody into approaching Breyer with the idea.   

Kathleen's original design was a dancing mare incorporating Holly's markings as some of the markings in the painting plan.  The final design was simplified due to an accelerated release date into the striking model shown above right.  Breyer rewrote the story to make it more suitable for the younger model collectors and thus appealing to a broader audience.  You will notice there is no mention of the original blood stain that  began the bloody shoulder legacy and that the marking passes down through the generations.  Just add those thoughts to the story below when you read it.

It is a lovely model!     Thank You Breyer!    

At right is a photo of Holly at 31 years young in April 2005. (Her bloody markings are on the other side)  She spends her time, happy and healthy, relaxing with her best friend Daara, who also came to us from Nellie Jackson.

Holly went to greener pastures at 33 years old in January of 2007.  She is much missed.

Below is the Breyer story from the hang tag that comes with the model.


Other Versions of the Celebrated Legend

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