Fall 2002 -
Fabo is being started under saddle. A new page has been added for
photos of this process - Ahmed
Fabo in Training.
A new horse story has been
added about Shiloh, our first
Arabian. He celebrated his 29th birthday in 2002.

A new section has been
added to the site!
Corner contains articles, stories and poems. I hope you will
enjoy it. |

The beauty of an Arizona
sunrise starts the morning off with wonder and awe. This was taken
just a few steps from my back door looking towards Phoenix. Phoenix
is near the center of the horizon, 35 miles away. |


It is the
2002 Foaling Season!
News from 2002's foaling
season can be found on the Foal News and Foal
News 2 pages.
Lots of photos!!!

Rowena King
presenting the International Arabian Horse Association - Region 7 2001 Volunteers of the Year awards to Kevin
King (left) & Bruce Johnson at the December 2001 Saguaro Classic Arabian Horse Show |
Rowena Bruce |

Two new stories have been added
to the Horse Stories section of our site. They are Khaadir
al Bahr and One Eyed Jack. A
page has been added for Lothar,
a rare line in the Babson group. It is in the Babson Family section. |

Khaadir al Bahr |

We are proud to announce that Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/ earned a National Top Ten at 4th Level Dressage
at the 2001 US National Championship Show! He was 5th in Prix St
George. Sabbah
now retires from the show ring with 5 National Top Tens, 15 Regional Top
5 awards, 7 Regional Championships, 7 Regional Reserve Championships, Several
Scottsdale Championships (as well as a history of never being out of the ribbons
at the prestigious Scottsdale show) and many other championships and ribbons
that earned Sabbah his Legion of Honor and Legion of Supreme Honor
awards. |

Ibn Sabbah
Bedu+/ 's Entered - 2001 US National Championships.
Sabbah will
compete in 3 events. On Sunday October 21st Sabbah will jump in the
Regular Working Hunter classes. Dressage for Sabbah starts on Thursday the
25th with 4th level and Prix St George on Friday the 26th. Finals for
Dressage will be on Saturday the 27th. If you are going to be at Nationals
and want to see Sabbah show, please check for his dressage ride times at the
show grounds. |
