Randy let her follow one returning the others to their alien buddies. She was
so intent on the cow she nearly forgot her job in closing the gate. She followed
at a walk, then a trot. Randy allowed her full rein to do as she wished. She
started passing the cow and turning it back. When the cow stopped she stood
facing it, if it ran she ran after it until she could turn it. It was getting
very dark, cows matching sky, when she was backed off her final cow. Randy’s
grin shone through the darkness, “a natural cutting horse” he breathed.
I crawled under our pasture fence walking home in the
dark, lost in
thought, wondering if Shalima was really meant to be a dressage horse. Loud
snorts and fast feet from out of the night told me the cows next door were not
the only perceived Aliens afoot that night. The night shadows were very relieved to
hear the voice of their waitress.
Maar Shalima
1991 Straight Egyptian Mare |
Raadin Inshalla |
*Ansata Ibn Halima |
Nazeer |
Halima |
Allah Ateyyah (Babson) |
Ar-Ra’ad |
Khamsa |
AK Maaroufa |
Na Ibn Moniet |
*Ibn Moniet el Nefous |
(Babson) |
Aarouser (Babson) |
Fa-Serr |
Aaroufa |
Maar Shalima (Raadin Inshalla x AK Maaroufa) is a 1991 Al Khamsa Straight Egyptian
mare. She has had some training in Dressage with Jackie Alkin.

September 2004
- I stood at dawn looking out through the kitchen window. Maar
Shalima was in the pasture just north of the house. She was facing East,
standing with her head high and tail up. She held the pose unaware as
the sunrise lit her graceful silver curves in pink then fading to a pale gold. I
did not even look to the Eastern horizon, Shalima was far more beautiful.
Shalima is now owned by Jon Michael of Hidden Hollow Preserve in
Kentucky. |
Photos of Shalima Shalima
Photos page 2
Photos of Maar Shalima 2005
photos of Maar Shalima

curser placed on a photo will give you more information about the photo. |
Raadin Inshalla, Shalima's sire, was the 1977
Region 15 Reserve Champion Park Horse.
An article on
her sire, Ra'adin Inshalla, appeared in the January 1997 issue of Arabian
Raadin Inshalla |


1982 - 2000
Maar Shalima's dam, AK Maaroufa,
was my special riding horse. She was the kind of horse you could
leave relaxing in pasture for months, then dust her off and take her out
into the desert on trail ride and she always behaved as if she was last
ridden out just the day before. |

AK Maaroufa was the daughter of 2 National
Top Ten Halter horses. We bought her at the 1988 Bentwood
dispersal. She was started under saddle at 7 years old by Lee
Smith. Lee and Maaroufa went to their first horse show at only 8 days under saddle with
the intention of just riding her around the show grounds. She was so quiet and
relaxed that we put her in a couple western classes. They placed 7th in both
classes. About 12 to 15 rides later at the next show under English tack she
was entered into 2 classes earning two seconds out of 22 horses in her
classes! We did not show her again as she went to be bred
in Arkansas to Raadin Inshalla. The resulting filly was Maar
AK Maaroufa was my dear and willing friend.
Also see Khaadir
al Bahr |