There is a certain sense of magic and
mystery when a black kitten you have placed in a room and behind whom you
carefully closed the door, appears a few minutes later running across your feet
in a different room. (I believe I could hear distinctly in a small kitty voice,
"Born to be WILD" trailing behind her) This has been happening all too
frequently to me. As usual the door, when checked, is still closed and the other black
and white kitten is still obediently inside the room.
I am too curious! I must know how this
happens. After replacing the "magic kitten" inside the room
I then sat down to watch the
closed door. The entertainment value of this is not much above watching grass
grow. A good time to reflect on how I got into this to start with.
These two kittens were first discovered
in a horse barn in Indiana. Not an ordinary horse barn but the home of Pat and
Cheryl O'Donnell's famous Hidden River Babson/Brown Arabians. (perhaps the magic
began there?) These kittens streaked from the hay stack to the fence post pile to
the grain barrels, always out of reach, just barely in sight. Despite a few
friendly tame kittens begging to be played with, Bruce darted after these wild
things at every opportunity determined to catch and tame them. By the second day
he had learned their pathways and would wait until one came and snag it as it
dashed by.

Before the visit was over, an airline
kennel, an airline ticket for the kennel, a vets health certificate were all
obtained for two very ungrateful kittens. Finding an under seat airline kennel
(in a unfamiliar town) of the airline designated dimensions took us to 4
different stores and right up to the 9 p.m. closing time before the right size
was found. While watching fireflies playing in the trees, we constructed a small
box to hold the kitty gritty. The next morning we made a final visit
to the barn to see the horses one more time (and for Bruce to scan the barn one
more time for wild things!) Then off to the airport to go home, unhappy kittens
and all. The Hidden River Importation had begun.
The flight was surprisingly quiet. I had
expected loud crying from under the seat in front of Bruce's feet. We learned that wild
kittens tame down very quickly on an airline!
Hmmm… Still no sign of the "magic
kitten" on this side of the door... and the Time Monster says my time is up
for watching closed doors. The Time Monster forever snaps at my
heels. I went back to
working. Moments later I heard a small noise and dashed back to see an *Imported
Indiana Barn kitten sitting on my side of the door!!!
I have yet to see it happen. This
could be a VERY unusual kitten!
It is a
good thing Bruce imported only kittens! Adding to his stallion collection from
Hidden River would have been really interesting... Just TRY to keep those boys
in their pastures !!!
Diana "Still Mystified"

The Magic Kitten Tudoe
with her spotted buddy Puzzle |