Bint Al Bahr Arabians

Preservation Breeders of Straight Babson Egyptians




On the afternoon of April 9, 2005 The Rocking B Riders, a 4H group from northwest Phoenix came to out on a farm visit.  They were escorting Elizabeth Dawsari's St. Babson mare Almoraima Alegria (Midbar Fa Rabdan x Fa Mahrouf) who was coming to Bint al Bahr for breeding.  

Once arriving in Buckeye, the group started with a tour of the Durango Equine Vet Clinic next door.  

They watched the ultrasounding process as Dr. Kloppe explained what they were seeing on the ultrasound viewing screen.  He then answered their questions about foals, Miniature Horses, and being a veterinarian. 

Alegria walked over to Bint al Bahr Babson Arabians with her  buddy, another of Elizabeth's St. Babson mares, Almoraima Neblina (Ibn Saafadan x Maarlaroufa), who came along for the ride.   

Following a farm tour, a brief explanation of the Babson Arabian and an introduction to the foals and horses on the farm, we took a break for a bit of refreshment.   

The kids wanted a photo of the Arabian horse shaped cake that I made for them in celebration of the foaling season.  They went outside and lined up with their backs to the fence where Charabs Sharifa and her colt were.  The colt, Ashkar El Khebir came up behind the kids, peeking over the cake, not wanting to miss out on any fun activity.

 Curiously he peered over the edge of the tray at the white mare with the chocolate mane.   A moment later, to the delight of the kids, he quickly dipped his little velvet muzzle into the cake and sampled the chocolate frosting!  


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